


A basic definition of the concept of 'remuneration' is payment or compensation received for services provided, in this case most likely a student or recent-graduate. This may influence the context here in at least two ways:

  • Remuneration for services provided in the production of an online space.
  • Remuneration for work sold online.

In the first case, it is not immediately clear what 'services' might require remuneration outside the assessable content of a given cohort. However, this category could apply to recent graduates quite straightforwardly; for example, if they desire to keep the content of their online space 'updated' with new content – how might the university facilitate this with resources whether financial or otherwise?

In the second case, long-term or complex systems for remuneration (especially financial remuneration) of work sold within a course would most likely require governance and consensus between the institution, the course and the students. UAL's intellectual property (IP) policy may have an effect here, most notably the fifth principle:

  1. Students are entitled to sell works created within and in association with the University, provided that their Course Leader agrees that those works are no longer required for assessment, exhibition or retention, or is satisfied that the work is still available until the final academic assessment. Where sales are made from University premises or in circumstances where the University acts as the agent, a service fee (20% of the sale price inclusive of VAT) will be retained by the University.

However students may wish to also devise systems of remuneration autonomously (such as through online advertising); how might these systems be facilitated, distributed and maintained during and after graduation? And to what extend should the course become involved in the first place?

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