
What is illustration.show?


This website is a public repository for research conducted on the Illustration programme at Camberwell College of Arts, predominately into the possibilities around online spaces for the presentation of work (such as a degree show) within the course.


There are three key factors that determine the necessity of this project right now:

  1. The recent Covid pandemic precipitating a rapid (wholesale) switch to online provision and considering what that means for staff and student practices.
  2. The relevance of the final year show; its capacity to truly meet the professional (+) expectations of exiting students and its material, financial and ethical sustainability.
  3. The opportunity afforded by the incoming/outgoing overlap period in MA provision (15-month model) which in turn may help to shape a more progressive approach to transition/orientation/induction for all Illustration students.

Of these three factors the first has developed a general mindset that is open to the possibility that online immersive technologies might afford new scope to develop and deliver against factors 2 and 3. Now would be a good time to reassess how we approach the end of year show; considering the opportunity we have to add to the existing offer while retaining a sense of celebration. We need to consider how to activate this moment through the development of alternate online, interactive and immersive environments making the experience relevant and contemporary for users and ‘content providers’. The focus of this project is factor 2 but results may have a net impact on thinking relating to factor 3.


  • Research, identify, collate and communicate online immersive environments/technologies that are viable platforms for presenting, distributing, showcasing Illustration student/staff work.
  • Develop appropriate methods for communicating and consulting with stakeholders in order to ascertain need/viability.
  • Identify resources and develop needs for staff and students.
  • Develop a schedule of activity for staff and students.


This research is being conducted by Jack Clarke under the supervision of Programme Director Darryl Clifton. If you have any comments or suggestions please get in touch here.