


In this context, the concept of visualisation concerns the overall presentation of work in an online exhibition; i.e. the design of the space itself , and how this impacts the curation, possibilities and presentation of student work. For example, if a group's work is presented exclusively through 360 (bubble) photographs, this has clear ramifications for how one might document or prepare work in advance or how audiences can interact with the work on display.

Beyond the more technical considerations, visualisation may also relate to an 'identity' or 'brand' for a given show – questions here could concern the decision-making processes which lead up to the creation of an identity, or how this identity is integrated within a broader ecosystem of actors, stakeholders, organisations and services.

While separated here for the purposes of definition, these two approaches to visualisation (the approach to both curation and identity) are really two aspects of a larger concept that is the concept (critical or otherwise) that sits behind any presentation of work.